
Welcome to the adventures of a fellow traveller on Mothership Earth. As we hurtle away from somewhere far away towards somewhere even further away I hope to keep you entertained with a compendium of mistakes and learnings, ranging from funny-haha to funny-weird. Some may be small-p political, and others may be outbursts of Kali-like righteous indignation.

Health warning: some posts may contain terrible word-plays, puns and mild swear words (with asterisks in). Some may have bad speling and grammar, and even made-up words.  AND English spellings, not American ones. If you are sensitive to any of these things, please turn back now. You have been warned.


You can dip your toe in by reading a few random musings. If you like what you see, chip in with your own thoughts. I won’t bite.


I’m a former scientist, tech CEO, wife of a genius, mother of sons, social entrepreneur and only just getting started.

Welcome to my midlife catharsis. This blog is part of my promise to myself to stop ignoring the (often strange) thoughts inside me that need to be expressed. I’m not speaking for any of the companies or boards I sit on. This is just me, my mistakes, my theories, whatever flows from these fingertips…



Who I am is not actually important, but for the sake of standing by my words, my name is Jaya Chakrabarti and I’m from Bristol.  You can find me through this site, through my digital agency, Nameless Media Group, and our baby start-up social enterprise, tiscreport.org.